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The successful admission prerequisite is to complete the fundamental physics, chemistry, nuclear, or nuclear safety-focused master study programmes and complete the admission interview. The study programme applicant must meet requirements set by the higher education act number 111/98 Coll.

Due to the multidisciplinary based study programme, the required knowledge for completing the study programme and chosen dissertation thesis topic is evaluated during the admission process. The instructions for the foreign universities diploma nostrification are available here.

The admission procedure to the Czech study programme is carried out in the Czech language. The applicants speaking Slovak can answer in the Slovak language. The admission procedure to the English study programme is performed in English.

The admission applications on the prescribed form with the applicant CV, the achieved education documents copies (foreign universities diplomas have to be nostrified) and internships confirmation (if the student passed any related internship) send to ČVUT- FJFI, dep. VVČ, Břehová 7, 115 19 Prague 1, Handles Ms. Iva Mikešová, phone: +420 771 258 835, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no longer than May 22th 2024 (in case of study beginning on October 1st 2024) or no longer than December 16th 2024 (in case of study beginning on March 1st 2025). The admission applications are available on and in the department for science and research (VVČ), Břehová 7, Praha 1.

The required knowledge base for admission examination


    Topics 1-2

    Topics 3-4

    Topics 5-6

The offered available doctoral and dissertation thesis topics:

  1. Determination of the isotopic ratios of the minor isotopes of uranium and chosen fission products using the Accelerator Mass Spectroscopy (AMS) (doc. Ing. Mojmír Němec, PhD.)
  2. The finger-prints study of selected organic and composite materials and dual-use materials (doc. Ing. Ján Kozempel, PhD.)
  3. Emergency monitoring methods with using of non-pilot devices (doc. Ing. Jaroslav Klusoň, CSc.)
  4. Nuclear materials detection and identification using the X-ray fluorescence analysis (prof. Ing. Tomášek Trojek, PhD.)
  5. Various security threats detection and identification in computer networks using artificial intelligence algorithms (Prof. Ing. Róbert Lórencz, CSc.)
  6. Cyber threat monitoring and detection using ML/AI techniques (Prof. Ing. Róbert Lórencz, CSc.)