Research directions, grants, projects
Teaching in the multidisciplinary doctoral program Safety and Security of Nuclear Facilities and Forensic Analysis of Nuclear Materials is closely linked to the four main research directions provided by four departments provided jointly by four departments of two CTU faculties. These are the following research directions:
- safety and security of nuclear facilities (Department of Nuclear Reactors),
- safety and security of ionizing radiation sources (Department of Dosimetry and Applications of Ionizing Radiation),
- forensic analysis of nuclear and dual-use materials (Department of Nuclear Chemistry),
- cybersecurity of nuclear facilities (Department of Information Security).
Grants and projects
Selected grants and projects solved at training workplaces (departments) of the doctoral program:
- VR-1 - Support for reactor operation for research activities, LM2018118, MŠMT, 2020-2022 (doc. Ing. Ľubomír Sklenka, PhD.)
- Utilisation of radiation based methods for detection and identification of CBRNE materials, VI20192022171, MVČR, 2019-2022 (Ing. Tomáš Bíly, PhD.)
- European Nuclear Experimental Educational Platform (ENEEP), 847555-ENEEP-NFRP-2018, H2020, 2019-2022 (doc. Ing. Ľubomír Sklenka, PhD.)
- Material utilization of waste thermoplastics in the production of building materials for shielding of ionizing radiation TAČR, 2019-2021 (Ing. Tomáš Urban, PhD.)
- Nuclear Safety, Security and Forensics, CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_018/0002367, OP VVV, MŠMT, 2017-2022 (doc. Ing. Ľubomír Sklenka, PhD.)
- Laboratories for doctoral programme Nuclear Safety, Security and Forensics, CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_017/0002370, OP VVV, MŠMT, 2017-2021 (doc. Ing. Ľubomír Sklenka, PhD.)
- More accurate prediction of radiological consequences of severe accidents at NPP aimed in identification of their risks, VI20172020076, MVČR, 2017-2020 (doc. Ing. Jaroslav Klusoň, CSc.)
- Strengthening and development of research at Czech Technical University in Prague with the use of research infrastructure VR-1 Training Reactor for research activities, CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/013/0001790, OP VVV, MŠMT, 2017-2020 (Ing. Jan Rataj, PhD.)
- Cooperation in education and training In Nuclear CHemistry (CINCH-II), EC FP7 Coordination Action 605173, EC FP7, 2013-2016 (prof. Ing. Jan John, CSc.)
- New generation testing device MONTE-1 at the training reactor VR-1 to allow advanced testing of detection equipment of monitoring and interve- ning groups in the case of nuclear accidents and of early detection network equipment., VG/2013/2015119, MVČR, 2013-2015 (doc. Ing. Ľubomír Sklenka, PhD.)
- Study of transmutation of Ra-226 and its separation from activation products, LK21310, MŠMT, 2013-2015 (doc. RNDr. Ján Kozempel, PhD.)
- Study of properties of residual arithmetic for solving sets of linear equations, GAP103/12/2377, MŠMT, 2012-2016 (prof. Ing. Róbert Lórencz, CSc.)
- Development of sample preparation methods for minor uranium isotopes determination in the environment, 7AMB12AT022, MŠMT, 2012-2013 (doc. Ing. Mojmír Němec, PhD.)
- Problems of cyber threats from the point of view of Czech Republic concerns, MVČR, 2007-2010 (prof. Ing. Róbert Lórencz, CSc.)
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